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Writer's pictureChristian Turnbaugh

Protect Your Home from Lightning Strikes

What happens if lightning strikes your home?

Did you know that the probability of getting struck by lightning is 1 out of 280,000? Those odds are more in favor than your home being struck by lightning which is 1 out of 200. So we know what lightning can do to humans but what happens if it strikes your home?

Most people do not think they will be that one, and whatever odds, however, that should not stop you from being prepared in case of the worst.

As you know, throughout the United States, severe storms can happen at any moment, and with that comes many things, including lightning. Lightning can strike anywhere during the storm, so how can you know if and when your home has been struck?

According to the National Weather Service, a typical flash of lightning is about 300 million volts and about 30,000 amps. To put that into perspective, the average home outlet is 120 volts or 0.0000004% of a lightning bolt. If your home is struck, effects will occur almost simultaneously. The effects could include.

  • Power Outage

  • A Burning Smell

  • Charring of the Spot hit

  • Possible hole in siding or roof

  • burnt electrical outlet sockets

  • Loud booming should that shakes the home.

If you experience any of these effects during a severe lightning storm, call the proper authorities to ensure the safety of everyone around you. Once the house has been deemed safe, your next step should be to assess the damage done to your home. If the damage is substantial, calling your agent and turning in a claim should be your next step. According to the Insurance Information Institute, in 2020, there were 71,551 lightning claims that averaged out to $28,885 paid per claim.

What is a lightning protection system & How does it work?

A lightning protection system is a highly conductive copper and aluminum material that provides a low resistance path to ground the lightning's voltage away from your home. For most systems, the only visible part of the system is the lightning rod connected to either the roof or chimney of the home.

What are lightning rods?

The purpose of a lightning rod is commonly misunderstood. Many believe they are meant to attract lightning. This is not true. Lightning rods intercept the lightning that would have otherwise hit your home and divert it to your Lightning Protection System, in turn not causing damage to your home.

Electrical surge protection

You can take many steps to protect the inside of your home against damage from lightning strikes. However, in some cases, the overload of the lightning strike can cause electrical fires, so it is best to ensure that your electrical outlets are protected to keep your home safe.

One way is by installing a whole-home surge protector for the electronics in your home in the event of a spike in voltage. The protection will limit the damage of the surge to your electronics, which could otherwise die or possibly catch fire.

Additional lightning protection tips

Thunderstorms and lightning are common throughout the United States. Here are a few tips to keep yourself safe. First, resist the urge to stay out during the storm and seek shelter indoors or in a vehicle. When inside, avoid water, such as taking a shower, and corded electronics, which could be harmful if a lightning strike occurs.

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